
Aug 2021

MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada: August 13, 2021: The Lex Group Inc. law firm reminds investors that it is pursuing a securities class action against Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSE: XBC) and certain of its current and former directors and officers, before the Superior Court of Quebec.  The class action has been filed on behalf of all investors who purchased Xebec Adsorption’s securities between November 10, 2020 and March 11, 2021, and held some or all of such securities as of the close of trading on the TSX on March 11, 2021.

For more information or to submit your relevant information, please visit the webpage dedicated to this class action [click here].

Jul 2021

Lex Group is proud to announce that a Quebec Class Action SETTLEMENT has been reached in this matter and has been approved by the Court.

 If you live in Quebec and purchased, own, or owned a 15” or 17” 2011 Apple MacBook Pro Laptop (“Device(s)),


If you live elsewhere but purchased such a Device in Quebec,

 this settlement affects your rights.

For more information about this case, the Court approved Settlement Agreement, the claims process and relevant delays, and/or for copies of the relevant notices, judgment(s) or documents, including the settlement agreement, etc., click here.

Jun 2021

On August 1, 2022, the Superior Court of Quebec authorized a Quebec Data Breach Class Action against Audi Canada Inc. (hereinafter “Audi”) regarding the Data Breach which involved the theft of personal information belonging to Audi’s current customers, potential customers and/or past customers.  The authorization judgment is available on this page.



Lex Group Inc. has launched a national class action against Audi Canada Inc. (hereinafter “Audi”) and Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. (hereinafter “Volkswagen”), regarding the Data Breach which involved the theft of personal information belonging to an estimated 3.3 million current customers, potential customers and/or past customers in North America.

It is alleged that Audi and Volkswagen exposed personal data obtained between 2014 and 2019 during a period lasting approximately 2 years, namely from August 2019 to May 2021. It was not until March 10, 2021, that Audi and Volkswagen apparently learned of the Data Breach. Affected people residing in Canada could be receiving an email or a letter from Audi and/or Volkswagen. If you receive such correspondence, please retain it.

The stolen personal information of the affected clients includes, without limitation:

  • First and last name;
  • Personal and/or professional mailing address;
  • Email address;
  • Phone number;
  • Driver’s license number;
  • Date of birth;
  • Social security or social insurance number;
  • Credit information;
  • Account or loan numbers;
  • Tax identification numbers; and
  • Information about a vehicle purchased, leased or inquired about (such as the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make, model, year, color, and trim packages).

Accordingly, if you have received an email or a letter from Audi and/or Volkswagen or if you have provided your personal and/or personal information to Audi and/or Volkswagen between 2014 and 2019, your information may have been stolen or compromised and you may be part of the proposed Class defined by the class action initiated by our office.

Should you be defined as a member of the class in this class action, you may be entitled to compensation should the Court authorize and grant the class action on the merits, or should a settlement be reached and approved by the Court.

If you wish to be kept informed and/or receive notification of major judgments rendered or notices in this case, please complete the form below.  Please note that providing your information in the form below creates no financial obligation for you and it does not create a lawyer/client relationship between yourself and Lex Group Inc. (or any of its attorneys).  You will not be charged any fees or costs for signing up to this class action since our firm is only paid on a contingency basis from the potential compensation recovered in this file, if the class action is successful by way of final judgment or settlement approved by the Court.

Please be advised that the group definition of the people to be included in this class action may be changed or modified in the future by Court decision or by way of amendment filed by our firm.  We will not inform you or other members of the public if and when the group definition is changed.  It is therefore your sole responsibility to ensure that your own personal rights and recourses are being protected at all times during the course of these proceedings.  You may therefore wish to seek independent legal counsel in order to determine whether it would be in your best interest to pursue independent litigation in this matter (or any other matter), and to determine if you can potentially be included in this case if a final judgment is rendered or if a settlement is reached and approved by the Court.

By signing up to this class action, you are merely asking our firm to include you in our list of potential members in this class action, but our firm is not agreeing to represent your personal interests.  If a final judgment is rendered in this case, or if a settlement is reached (and approved by the Court), an e-mail may be sent to you and the relevant information may be posted on this website.  The Court will determine the manner and extent of any future notifications to class members.

Be advised that the information you provide will be included in our list of potential class members for this case, which list may be shared with and disclosed to the Courts and/or other parties in this action (at our discretion).  Rest assured that any such disclosure will be done in such a manner as to protect your personal information and confidentiality from unauthorized use, disclosure or publication.

Finally, be advised that the above-description and summary of the case is being posted on this website for your convenience.  However, in case of conflict between the information on this website and the actual proceedings, documents, and/or judgments in the Court record of this case, the official Court record documents will prevail.  We have for your convenience posted on this webpage certain scanned copies of the several relevant documents from the Court record, including the initial application for authorization to institute a class action which describes the case in much more detail.  You should therefore consult these documents as well as consult this website periodically in order to be kept informed.

May 2021

La Place 0-5 Data Breach Class Action

Approval Notice of Settlement

Detailed information, the Long Form (detailed) version of this notice, and updates are available on the Settlement Website at the following address:


A Settlement has been reached in a putative class action Dubé c. Coopérative de services and Procureur general du Québec (500-06-001148-218) relating to the La Place 0-5 data breach that occurred on May 8, 2021, when an unknown third-party was able to gain unauthorized access to certain customer data from the La Place 0-5 records (“Data Breach”).

On February 1, 2024, the Superior Court of Quebec authorized the Class Action for settlement purposes only.

On March 22, 2024, this Settlement was approved by the Court.

The Settlement is on behalf of the following Settlement Class:

The 8,589 persons in Québec whose personal information was accessed and downloaded during the Data Breach which occurred on May 8, 2021;

The Defendants in the class action are the Coopérative de services (hereinafter the “Coopérative”) and the Procureur général du Québec (hereinafter the “PGQ”) (hereinafter collectively the “Defendants”).


You may be a Settlement Class Member if you are one of the 8,589 persons in Québec, whose personal information was accessed and downloaded in the Data Breach which occurred on or about May 8, 2021 (you may have received a letter, email or call from La Place 0-5 advising you that your information was compromised in the context of the Data Breach).


Pursuant to the Settlement, the Defendants will pay a total amount of $250,000 CAD (the “Cap”).  This Cap will pay for all administration costs, notice costs and legal fees and disbursements, including all applicable taxes.  The remainder (the “Net Cap”) will be used toward the reimbursement of certain substantiated costs, losses and/or unreimbursed expenses made from May 8, 2021 to February 1, 2024 by Settlement Class Members who provide evidence to the effect that said losses were caused by the Data Breach and/or incurred as a result of the Data Breach or the receipt of the La Place 0-5 Notices (between May 14, 2021 and June 2, 2021), as accepted by the Claims Administrator (at its discretion) pursuant to the Distribution Protocol attached to the Settlement Agreement.  Each Claimant may only make substantiated and documented monetary claims up to a maximum of $1,000 CAD per person (the Documentary Supported Claims will be reduced on a pro rata basis in case of lack of total funds in the Net Cap).

You will not be asked to pay anything at any time.



To submit a claim, you must, no later than August 14, 2024:

  • Complete a Claim Form online at; or
  • Obtain a Claim Form in paper format from the website or the Claims Administrator, complete it and send it by email or by mail to the Claims Administrator at the address below.



Detailed information, the Long Form (detailed) version of this notice, and updates are available on the Settlement Website at the following address:

If needed, Settlement Class Members can contact the Claims Administrator or Class Counsel, Lex Group Inc.



5900 Andover Ave. Suite 1

Montreal, Quebec, H4T 1H5


[email protected]


Please note that in case of any discrepancy between the terms of this Notice and the Settlement Agreement, the terms of the Settlement Agreement shall prevail. Any term not defined in this Approval Notice shall have the meaning ascribed in the Settlement Agreement.

This Notice has been approved by the Superior Court of Quebec.



La Place 0-5 Data Breach Class Action Pre-Approval Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing

Detailed information, the Long Form (detailed) version of this notice, and updates are available on the Settlement Website at the following address:


A proposed Settlement has been reached in a putative class action Dubé c. Coopérative de services and Procureur general du Québec (500-06-001148-218) relating to the La Place 0-5 data breach that occurred on May 8, 2021, when an unknown third-party was able to gain unauthorized access to certain customer data from the La Place 0-5 records (“Data Breach”). This proposed Settlement is subject to Court approval.

The proposed settlement is on behalf of the following Settlement Class:

The 8,589 persons in Québec whose personal information was accessed and downloaded during the Data Breach which occurred on May 8, 2021;

The Defendants in the class action are the Coopérative de services (hereinafter the “Coopérative”) and the Procureur général du Québec (hereinafter the “PGQ”) (hereinafter collectively the “Defendants”).
On February 1, 2024, the Superior Court of Quebec authorized the Class Action for settlement purposes only.


You may be a Settlement Class Member if you are one of the 8,589 persons in Québec, whose personal information was accessed and downloaded in the Data Breach which occurred on or about May 8, 2021 (you may have received a letter, email or call from La Place 0-5 advising you that your information was compromised in the context of the Data Breach).


Pursuant to the proposed Settlement, the Defendants will pay a total amount of $250,000 CAD (the “Cap”). This Cap will pay for all administration costs, notice costs and legal fees and disbursements, including all applicable taxes. The remainder (the “Net Cap”) will be used toward the reimbursement of certain substantiated costs, losses and/or unreimbursed expenses made from May 8, 2021 to February 1, 2024 by Settlement Class Members who provide evidence to the effect that said losses were caused by the Data Breach and/or incurred as a result of the Data Breach or the receipt of the La Place 0-5 Notices (between May 14, 2021 and June 2, 2021), as accepted by the Claims Administrator (at its discretion) pursuant to the Distribution Protocol attached to the Settlement Agreement. Each Claimant may only make substantiated and documented monetary claims up to a maximum of $1,000 CAD per person (the Documentary Supported Claims will be reduced on a pro rata basis in case of lack of total funds in the Net Cap).


As part of the settlement of this case, the defendants have agreed to pay class counsel fees in the amount of up to $75,000, plus applicable taxes, for their fees and $2,500 for their disbursements, subject to the Court’s approval. This amount is payable out of the Cap.



If you are a Settlement Class Member, you may (1) object to or comment on the Settlement; (2) exclude yourself from the Class Action (opt-out); or (3) do nothing. If you do not wish to be legally bound by the Class Action, you must exclude yourself from the Class Action (opt-out). To do so, you must complete and submit an Opt-Out Form to the Court by no later March 15, 2024. Anyone who opts out of the Class Action cannot object to or comment on the Settlement and may be eligible to pursue an individual claim. If you do nothing, you will stay in the Class Action and be bound by the Settlement, if approved by the Court.
If you stay in the Class Action, you may object to or comment on the Settlement by submitting a written objection to the Court by no later than February 28, 2024. You have no obligation to object to or comment on the Settlement.


The Superior Court of Quebec must be satisfied that the Settlement is fair, reasonable and in the best interests of Settlement Class Members.

The Settlement Approval Hearing will take place on March 19, 2024, at 9:30 A.M. in room 12.61 at the Montreal Courthouse located at 1 Notre-Dame St. East, Montreal, Quebec (or any other courtroom determined by the Court).

You do not have to attend the hearing but you may do so if you wish.

If you have submitted a written objection to the Court, you (or your lawyer) may present arguments with regards to the proposed Settlement.

You do not have to do anything and you do not have to pay anything at all in order to participate in the Class Action and/or the proposed Settlement.

You will not be asked to pay anything at any time.


If needed, Settlement Class Members can contact the Class Counsel, Lex Group Inc., on the present website.


Settlement Class Members
c/o Mtre David Assor
4101 Sherbrooke Street West
Westmount, Québec, H3Z 1A7

This Notice has been approved by the Superior Court of Quebec.


Lex Group Inc. has launched a class action against the Coopérative de services, who also operates under the names La Place 0-5 and The Place 0-5, and against the Government of Quebec (the Procureur général du Québec – Ministère de la famille), regarding the May 8, 2021
Data Breach which involved the theft of personal information belonging to an estimated 86,948 La Place 0-5 users.  Certain affected persons may have received an email from The Place 0-5 on May 13, 2021.

The Place 0-5 is the organization mandated by the Government of Quebec to manage the only public gateway service to recognized Quebec daycares.

The stolen personal information includes, without limitation, The Place 0-5 user name, the child’s name, the email address, the postal address, the telephone number, the date of birth, the NIREC (the registration number on the birth certificate and with the Directeur de l’état civil) and the registration number. The stolen information concerned the parents of the registered children and possibly the personal information of the children themselves, such as their date of birth and their NIREC.

Accordingly, if you received an email from La Place 0-5 on May 13, 2021 or if you provided your personal information to The Place 0-5, your personal information may have been stolen or compromised in the May 8, 2021 Data Breach and you may be part of the proposed Class defined by the class action initiated by our office.

Should you be defined as a member of the class in this class action, you may be entitled to compensation should the Court authorize and grant the class action on the merits, or should a settlement be reached (and approved by the Court).

If you wish to be kept informed and/or receive notification of major judgments rendered or notices in this case, please complete the form below.  Please note that providing your information in the form below creates no financial obligation for you and it does not create a lawyer/client relationship between yourself and Lex Group Inc. (or any of its attorneys).  You will not be charged any fees or costs for signing up to this class action since our firm is only paid on a contingency basis from the potential compensation recovered in this file, if the class action is successful by way of final judgment or settlement approved by the Court.

Please be advised that the group definition of the people to be included in this class action may be changed or modified in the future by Court decision or by way of amendment filed by our firm.  We will not inform you or other members of the public if and when the group definition is changed.  It is therefore your sole responsibility to ensure that your own personal rights and recourses are being protected at all times during the course of these proceedings.  You may therefore wish to seek independent legal counsel in order to determine whether it would be in your best interest to pursue independent litigation in this matter (or any other matter), and to determine if you can potentially be included in this case if a final judgment is rendered or if a settlement is reached and approved by the Court.

By signing up to this class action, you are merely asking our firm to include you in our list of potential members in this class action, but our firm is not agreeing to represent your personal interests.  If a final judgment is rendered in this case, or if a settlement is reached (and approved by the Court), an e-mail may be sent to you and the relevant information may be posted on this website.  The Court will determine the manner and extent of any future notifications to class members.

Be advised that the information you provide will be included in our list of potential class members for this case, which list may be shared with and disclosed to the Courts and/or other parties in this action (at our discretion).  Rest assured that any such disclosure will be done in such a manner as to protect your personal information and confidentiality from unauthorized use, disclosure or publication.

Finally, be advised that the above-description and summary of the case is being posted on this website for your convenience.  However, in case of conflict between the information on this website and the actual proceedings, documents, and/or judgments in the Court record of this case, the official Court record documents will prevail.  We have for your convenience posted on this webpage certain scanned copies of the several relevant documents from the Court record, including the initial application for authorization to institute a class action which describes the case in much more detail.  You should therefore consult these documents as well as consult this website periodically in order to be kept informed.

Apr 2021

LEX GROUP Inc. has launched a National class action lawsuit against Rogers Communications Inc., Rogers Communications Canada Inc. and Fido Solutions Inc. (hereinafter collectively “Rogers”), on behalf of all persons in Canada who had an existing “Rogers”, “Rogers for Business”, “Fido” and/or “Chatr” contract and who had their wireless services interrupted on or about April 19, 2021.

The proposed class action alleges that on or about April 19, 2021 plaintiffs and class members experienced problem using their mobile telephone, namely they could not make calls and could not send or receive text messages or otherwise use their data or cellular plan. Their phones were only operational for data while on wifi.

It is believed that the outage lasted all of the morning and most of the day of April 19, 2021 for Plaintiff, whereas it continued for many other Class Members until the late night of April 19, 2021 (if not early morning of April 20, 2021).

Accordingly, if you reside or are domiciled in Canada and had a “Rogers”, “Rogers for Business”, “Fido” and/or “Chatr” wireless contract on April 19, 2021, then you may be part of the proposed Class defined by the class action initiated by our office.  Should you be defined as a member of the class, you may be entitled to compensation should the Court authorize and ultimately grant the class action on the merits, or should a settlement be reached (and approved by the Court).

If you wish to be kept informed and/or receive notification of major judgments rendered or notices in this case, please complete the form below.  Please note that providing your information in the form below creates no financial obligation for you and it does not create a lawyer/client relationship between yourself and Lex Group Inc. (or any of its attorneys).  You will not be charged any fees or costs for signing up to this class action since our firm is only paid on a contingency basis from the potential compensation recovered in this file, if the class action is successful by way of final judgment or settlement approved by the Court.

Please be advised that the group definition of the people to be included in this class action may be changed or modified in the future by Court decision or by way of amendment filed by our firm.  We will not inform you or other members of the public if and when the group definition is changed.  It is therefore your sole responsibility to ensure that your own personal rights and recourses are being protected at all times during the course of these proceedings.  You may therefore wish to seek independent legal counsel in order to determine whether it would be in your best interest to pursue independent litigation in this matter (or any other matter), and to determine if you can potentially be included in this case if a final judgment is rendered or if a settlement is reached and approved by the Court.

By signing up to this class action, you are merely asking our firm to include you in our list of potential members in this class action but our firm is not agreeing to represent your personal interests.  If a final judgment is rendered in this case, or if a settlement is reached (and approved by the Court), an e-mail may be sent to you and the relevant information may be posted on this website.  The Court will determine the manner and extent of any future notifications to class members.

Be advised that the information you provide will be included in our list of potential class members for this case, which list may be shared with and disclosed to the Courts and/or other parties in this action (at our discretion).  Rest assured that any such disclosure will be done in such a manner as to protect your personal information and confidentiality from unauthorized use, disclosure or publication.

Finally, be advised that the above-description and summary of the case is being posted on this website for your convenience.  However, in case of conflict between the information on this website and the actual proceedings, documents, and/or judgments in the Court record of this case, the official Court record documents will prevail.  We have for your convenience posted on this webpage certain scanned copies of the several relevant documents from the Court record, including the initial application for authorization to institute a class action which describes the case in much more detail.  You should therefore consult these documents as well as consult this website periodically in order to be kept informed.

Mar 2021




(Short Form)


(Court File N°: 500-06-001140-215)



This notice is to: 

  1. Everyone in Québec who purchased/owns/owned; and
  2. Everyone who purchased in Québec

A MacBook laptop sold between 2015 and 2019
equipped with a “Butterfly” keyboard.






If you purchased (other than for resale) a MacBook laptop sold between 2015 and 2019 equipped with a “Butterfly” keyboard (“Computer”) in Québec, or if you live in Québec and purchased or own (other than for resale) such a Computer, this is a notice of the settlement of a class action concerning your Computer. *See full list of Class Computers at the end of this notice.

The settlement has been approved by the Superior Court of Québec and requires Apple Canada Inc. and Apple Inc. (collectively, “Apple”) to compensate affected clients (the “Class Members”). The settlement is not an admission of liability, wrongdoing or fault.


Group 1

Group 1 is comprised of Class Members who, within four years of purchasing a Computer, obtained two or more Topcase Replacements based on Apple’s records.  If you are a Group 1 Class Member, you will receive a separate notice by email confirming that you are a Group 1 Class Member and you will receive a payment of up to $545.00 CAD per Computer. This amount will be sent directly to you by electronic fund transfer at the last known email address that Apple has on record for you.  Group 1 Class Members may receive compensation only once per Computer, but may receive additional payments in the event that they purchased multiple Computers that qualify for payment.


Group 2 or 3

If you are not a Group 1 Class Member, you may be a Group 2 or Group 3 Class Member.

Group 2 Class Members received a single Topcase Replacement that did not resolve their keyboard issues. Group 3 Class Members received one or more Keycap Replacements that did not resolve their keyboard issues.

If you are a Group 2 or Group 3 Class Member, you must complete and submit a Claim Form by
June 30, 2024, provide the evidence requested in order for this claim to be valid, and attest on the Claim Form that the repair did not resolve your keyboard issues. Claims may be submitted online at or mailed to the address on the form.


Under the terms of the Settlement, eligible Group 2 Class Members will receive a payment of up to $173.00 CAD per Computer, and eligible Group 3 Class Members will receive a payment of up to $69.00 CAD per Computer.

Group 2 or Group 3 Class Members can receive compensation only once per Computer, but they may make additional claims in the event they purchased multiple Computers that qualify for payment.



Copies of the detailed notices to Class Members, as well as a copy of the Settlement Agreement and/or the other relevant Judgments and proceedings, can be found on the Claims Administrator’s Settlement Website at:

For more information, please contact the Claims Administrator as below:

Laptop Keyboard Class Action Administrator

P.O. Box 3355

London, Ontario, N6A 4K3



The attorneys representing the Class (“Class Counsel”) are the firm of Lex Group Inc. (c/o Mtre. David Assor), which can be contacted at [email protected].





*Computer means any of the following Apple computer models:


  • MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015)
  • MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016)
  • MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, 2017)
  • MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2018)
  • MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2019)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 Ports)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 Ports)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Two Thunderbolt 3 Ports)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019)




On November 23, 2023, the Superior Court of Quebec approved the settlement in this file.

The Judgment is available on this page.







(Court File N°: 500-06-001140-215)


If you live in Quebec and purchased, own, or owned a MacBook laptop sold between 2015 and 2019 equipped with a “Butterfly” keyboard (“Computer”*),


If you live elsewhere but purchased such a Computer in Quebec,

this class action settlement notice affects your rights.



Representative Plaintiff alleges that the “butterfly” keyboard mechanism in certain MacBook laptops is defective and is seeking authorization of a class action against Apple Canada Inc. and Apple Inc. (collectively “Apple”), on behalf of persons in Quebec who purchased, own or owned a MacBook laptop sold between 2015 and 2019 equipped with a “butterfly” keyboard. *See full list of class Computers at the end of this notice. Apple denies all of the allegations made in the Class Action, denies that any MacBooks are defective, and denies that Apple did anything improper or unlawful.



The proposed settlement, if approved by the Superior Court of Québec, requires Apple to compensate affected Class Members. The settlement is not an admission of liability, wrongdoing or fault.

If the proposed settlement is approved, the following Class Members can receive compensation:

Group 1 Class Members who received at least two Topcase Replacements (i.e., the replacement of the full keyboard module) will be paid $545 CAD per Computer.

Group 2 Class Members who received a single Topcase Replacement that did not resolve their keyboard issues can submit a Claim Form to receive $173 CAD per Computer.

Group 3 Class Members who received one of more Keycap Replacements (i.e., the replacement of one or more keycaps on a keyboard and does not involve replacement of the full keyboard module)that did not resolve their keyboard issues can submit a Claim Form to receive $69 CAD per Computer.

For full details and conditions, please consult the Long Form Notice, available on this page.



A hearing before the Superior Court of Québec will be held on October 31, 2023 at 9:30 a.m., at the Montréal courthouse located at 1 Notre-Dame East Street, Montréal, Québec, in room 15.08, or via a TEAMS link. This date may be subject to adjournment by the Court without further publication of notice to the Class Members, other than such notice which will be posted on Class Counsel’s website or on the Claim’s Administrator’s website:



If you wish to remain a Class Member, you have nothing to do and nothing to pay.

If you wish to opt out, you have until October 23, 2023 to advise in writing the registry of the Superior Court of Québec, District of Montréal, at 1 Notre Dame Street East, Room 1.120, Montreal, Québec, H2Y 1B6, that you wish to opt out. Please make sure to mention file no. 500-06-001140-215 in your correspondence.



If you wish, you have the right to comment on or object to the settlement (certain Court-ordered requirements and deadlines apply and are detailed in the Long Form Notice, available on this page.

Class Members who do not oppose the proposed Settlement Agreement have nothing to pay and do not need to appear at any hearing or take any other action to indicate their desire to support the proposed Settlement Agreement.

If the settlement is approved, another notice to Class Members will be sent explaining the method of distributing settlement funds.



For more information about the proposed settlement or to read the Long Form Notice, the Settlement Agreement and/or the other relevant Judgments or proceedings, visit the Settlement Website at or contact the Claims Administrator:


RicePoint Administration Inc.

P.O. Box 3355

London, Ontario, N6A 4K3 1-866-573-1796



*Computer means any of the following Apple computer models:

MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015)

MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016)

MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, 2017)

MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2018)

MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2019)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Two Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019)


LEX GROUP Inc. has launched a national class action against Apple Canada Inc. and Apple, Inc. (collectively “Apple”), on behalf of all persons in Canada who purchase or own a MacBook Laptop equipped with the Butterfly Keyboard (hereinafter the “MacBook Laptops”) including but not limited to following models:

  • Early 2015 MacBook
  • Early 2016 MacBook
  • 2016 MacBook Pros
  • 2017 MacBook and MacBook Pros
  • 2018 MacBook Pros and MacBook Air
  • 2019 MacBook Pros and MacBook Air

The class action alleges that the MacBook Laptops were affected by a design/manufacturing defect which permits minute amounts of dust and debris to accumulate under or around the keys, and ultimately causing the keys to stick, the keyboard to fail to register properly and/or the keyboard to register three or more times the keystrokes required by the user.

It is further alleged that Apple failed to properly repair and/or replace the defective keyboard and/or to reimburse owners for out-of-pocket repair costs incurred in an attempt to solve said issue, including the cost to replace the MacBook Laptop’s keyboard or the entire computer.

Accordingly, if you reside in Canada and have purchase and/or own or owned one of the above-listed MacBook Laptops, you may be part of the proposed Canadian Class defined by the class action initiated by our office.  Should you be defined as a member of the class, you may be entitled to compensation should the Court authorize the class action and ultimately grant the class action on the merits, or should a settlement be reached (and approved by the Court).

If you wish to be kept informed and/or receive notification of major judgments rendered or notices in this case, please complete the form below.  Please note that providing your information in the form below creates no financial obligation for you and it does not create a lawyer/client relationship between yourself and Lex Group Inc. (or any of its attorneys).  You will not be charged any fees or costs for signing up to this class action since our firm is only paid on a contingency basis from the potential compensation recovered in this file, if the class action is successful by way of final judgment or settlement approved by the Court.

Please be advised that the group definition of the people to be included in this class action may be changed or modified in the future by Court decision or by way of amendment filed by our firm.  We will not inform you or other members of the public if and when the group definition is changed.  It is therefore your sole responsibility to ensure that your own personal rights and recourses are being protected at all times during the course of these proceedings.  You may therefore wish to seek independent legal counsel in order to determine whether it would be in your best interest to pursue independent litigation in this matter (or any other matter), and to determine if you can potentially be included in this case if a final judgment is rendered or if a settlement is reached and approved by the Court.

By signing up to this class action, you are merely asking our firm to include you in our list of potential members in this class action but our firm is not agreeing to represent your personal interests.  If a final judgment is rendered in this case, or if a settlement is reached (and approved by the Court), an e-mail may be sent to you and the relevant information may be posted on this website.  The Court will determine the manner and extent of any future notifications to class members.

Be advised that the information you provide will be included in our list of potential class members for this case, which list may be shared with and disclosed to the Courts and/or other parties in this action (at our discretion).  Rest assured that any such disclosure will be done in such a manner as to protect your personal information and confidentiality from unauthorized use, disclosure or publication.

Finally, be advised that the above-description and summary of the case is being posted on this website for your convenience.  However, in case of conflict between the information on this website and the actual proceedings, documents, and/or judgments in the Court record of this case, the official Court record documents will prevail.  We have for your convenience posted on this webpage certain scanned copies of the several relevant documents from the Court record, including the initial application for authorization to institute a class action which describes the case in much more detail.  You should therefore consult these documents as well as consult this website periodically in order to be kept informed.

Mar 2021

Settlement of XEBEC ADSORPTION INC. Securities Class Action

November 27, 2023 – The Superior Court of Québec has approved a settlement of the class action proceedings against Xebec Adsorption Inc. (“Xebec”), Kurt Sorschak, Stéphane Archambault, Louis Dufour, William Beckett, Guy Saint Jacques, Desjardins Securities Inc., National Bank Financial Inc., Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., Raymond James Ltd., Beacon Securities Limited, TD Securities Inc., and Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc.

Your legal rights are affected even if you do nothing. Please read this notice carefully.

The class action was authorized on behalf of all persons and entities, wherever they may reside or may be domiciled, who purchased or otherwise acquired securities of Xebec by any means (whether pursuant to a primary market offering, in the secondary market or otherwise) during the period from November 10, 2019, to March 24, 2021, inclusively, and held some or all of such securities as of the close of trading on the TSX on March 11, 2021 or March 24, 2021, other than the “Excluded Persons”.

Excluded Persons means:

  • Xebec;
  • the Underwriter Defendants and their respective past or present subsidiaries, directors, officers, legal representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns;
  • the Individual Defendants, members of their immediate families and any entity in which the Individual Defendants hold a controlling interest; and
  • SDI, Oost NL and the Trust Foundation, as those entities are defined in the Share Purchase Agreement dated December 8, 2020 with Xebec Europe B.V.

 Under the settlement, Xebec will cause to be paid CAD $5,000,000. The Defendants deny any wrongdoing or liability on their part and the Court has not made any findings of wrongdoing or liability in respect of the Defendants.


Your Legal Rights and Options in This Settlement:

You have two options:

  1. Submit a Claim Form:

Fill out a Claim Form online and submit it with supporting documentation by the deadline to apply for compensation. The deadline for Claim Form submission is April 30, 2024.

  1. Do Nothing:

Give up any right to compensation.


To make a claim for compensation, you must complete a Claim Form online and submit it along with documentation confirming your acquisition of Xebec’s securities. The Claim Form is available at: You must submit your Claim Form and documentation using this website by April 30, 2024 to be able to receive compensation.


Further information can be found in the Settlement Agreement, Court-approved Plan of Allocation, and other relevant documents, which are available at: and on this page. You can send your questions by email to [email protected] or by fax to (416) 352-7638.


The lawyers for the Plaintiff and the Class in this class action are KND Complex Litigation and Lex Group Inc.






Authorization and Hearing to Approve Proposed Settlement of XEBEC ADSORPTION INC. Securities Class Action

June 30, 2023 – This notice relates to a proposed class action commenced against FormerXBC Inc., formerly Xebec Adsorption Inc. (“Xebec”), Kurt Sorschak, Stéphane Archambault, Louis Dufour, William Beckett, Guy Saint Jacques, Desjardins Securities Inc., National Bank Financial Inc., Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., Raymond James Ltd., Beacon Securities Limited, TD Securities Inc., and Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc.

The representative Plaintiffs and Xebec have reached a proposed settlement of the claim which is subject to approval by the Superior Court of Québec (the “Court”).

The class action has now been authorized for settlement purposes only. This notice provides information about this proposed settlement and related matters and how you can exclude yourself (“opt-out”) out of the class action.

Your legal rights are affected even if you do nothing. Please read this notice carefully.

The class action was authorized on behalf of all persons and entities, wherever they may reside or may be domiciled, who purchased securities of Xebec pursuant to a prospectus, in the secondary market, through a private placement, or who acquired the securities of Xebec in exchange for shares of HyGear Technology and Services B.V.,, during the period from November 10, 2019, to March 24, 2021, inclusively, (the “Class Period”) and held some or all of such securities as of the close of trading on the TSX on March 11, 2021 or March 24, 2021, other than the “Excluded Persons”.

Excluded Persons means:

  • Xebec;
  • the Underwriter Defendants and their respective past or present subsidiaries, directors, officers, legal representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns;
  • the Individual Defendants, members of their immediate families and any entity in which the Individual Defendants hold a controlling interest; and
  • SDI, Oost NL and the Trust Foundation, as those entities are defined in the Share Purchase Agreement dated December 8, 2020 with Xebec Europe B.V.

The proposed Settlement Amount is CAD $5,000,000 (“Settlement Fund”) including Class Counsel’s fees, applicable taxes and expenses, and interest. The Defendants deny any wrongdoing or liability. The settlement does not constitute an admission of wrongdoing or liability by Xebec or any Defendant. By agreeing to the proposed settlement, the parties avoid the costs and uncertainty of a trial and delays in obtaining judgment.

What Could I Get From This Action

What you can recover from the Settlement Fund is a function of two variables: (1) The size of your Recognized Claim; and (2) How many other Claimants make claims for a portion of the net Settlement Fund as all recognized claims will be distributed pro rata if there are insufficient funds available to pay all claims. Note however that the Settlement Fund will first be reduced by legal fees, notice costs, and administration expenses and there will therefore not be $5,000,000 available for distribution.

What is a recognized Claim

In order to be eligible to make a claim you have to have purchases or acquired Xebec Shares during the Class Period and held the Xebec Shares until specific times. The exact time periods relevant to make Recognized Claims are set out below and set out in more detail in the Plan of Allocation available here.

The size of your Recognized Claim depends on 2 factors: (1) The size of your loss measured by the formula in the Plan of Allocation set out here; and (2) your Risk Adjustment factor.

Risk Adjustment Factor

Not all persons who acquired Xebec Shares in the Class Period have claims of the same strength. For example, persons who acquired Xebec Shares in the secondary market (like the TSX) or because they were HyGear shareholders, do not have the same claims as persons who purchased pursuant to a Prospectus. The Plan of Allocation, which still must be approved by the Court, creates a Risk Adjustment factor as set out below, such that each Claimant’s loss as calculated in the Plan of Allocation will be adjusted or reduced to arrive at the Recognized Claim amount. A chart of the relevant Risk Adjustments is set out below.


Type of Claimant Risk Adjustment Factor
Bought in Secondary Market:

(i.e., bought Xebec shares on a stock exchange between November 10, 2019 – March 24 2021)

Bought Pursuant to a Prospectus:

(i.e., bought Xebec Subscription Receipts pursuant to the Final Short Form Prospectus dated December 21, 2020)

Bought in a Private Placement:

(i.e., bought Xebec Subscription Receipts in the private placement carried out in December 2020)

HyGear Investors:

(i.e., received Xebec shares in exchange for shares of HyGear Technology and Services B.V.)



What is the effect of the Risk Adjustment

The Risk Adjustment reduces a claim such that the Recognized Claim is the percentage of the claim set out above. For example, a Claimant that would have a claim for $100 and is subject to a Risk Adjustment of 35% has a Recognized Claim for $35. A Claimant with the same claim for $100 who has a Risk Adjustment of 50% has a Recognized Claim for $50.

If there is not enough money to pay all the Recognized Claims in full, the claims will be paid pro rata.

If you do not wish to be bound by the class action and participate in the settlement, you must opt-out of the class action. A copy of the opt-out form is available at: and on this page.

The Court is required to decide whether to approve the proposed settlement, Class Counsel Fee request of 30% of the Settlement Amount plus disbursements and tax, and a plan to allocate and distribute the Settlement Amount. The Court will hear submissions about the approval of the proposed settlement on September 29, 2023 at 9:30 AM ET, in room 16.04 of the Montreal Courthouse (located at 1 Notre-Dame Street East, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 1B5). Payments will only be made available if the Court approves the proposed settlement, after any appeals, and after a claims process is concluded.

Your Legal Rights and Options:

  1. Stay in the Class Action and Do Nothing: You do not have to do anything to stay in the class action. If you stay in the class action and the settlement is approved, you will be bound by the terms of the settlement, you will give up your right to sue the Defendants on your own, and you will not be permitted to bring other legal proceedings in relation to the matters alleged in the action against the Defendants, or any person released by the approved settlement.
  1. Stay in the Class Action and Object or Comment on the Proposed Settlement: If you want to object to or comment on the proposed settlement, you must submit an objection or comment stating your name, when and how many shares of Xebec you acquired, and your comment or the reason for your objection. You must submit your objection or comment by email to [email protected] or fax at (416) 352-7638 by September 8, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET for it to be valid. If the settlement is approved despite your objection or comment, you will still be bound by the terms of the settlement, you will give up your right to sue the Defendants on your own, and you will not be permitted to bring other legal proceedings in relation to the matters alleged in the action against the Defendants, or any person released by the approved settlement. 
  1. Opt-out of the Class Action: You can exclude yourself from the class action and the proposed settlement by filling out an opt-out form available at: You must submit your opt-out form by email to [email protected] or fax at (416) 352-7638 by August 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET for it to be valid.


What should I do

These rights and options and the deadlines to exercise them and further information about the proposed settlement are explained in a more detailed notice available at: and  on this page.

More details may also be found in the Settlement Agreement. You can obtain a copy of the Settlement Agreement at or on this page. You can send your questions by email to [email protected] or [email protected] or by fax to (416) 352-7638 or (514) 940-1605.

The lawyers for the Plaintiffs and the Class in this class action are KND Complex Litigation and Lex Group Inc.


LEX GROUP Inc. announces that it has filed a lawsuit against XEBEC ADSORPTION INC. (hereinafter “Xebec) and certain of its current and former directors and officers, on behalf of all persons all persons and entities, wherever they may reside or may be domiciled, who purchased or otherwise acquired Xebec’s securities between November 10, 2020 and March 11, 2021 inclusively (hereinafter the “Class Period”) and held some or all of such securities as of the close of trading on the TSX on March 11, 2021.

The proposed class action alleges that Xebec and the individual respondents made misrepresentations by overstating Xebec’s revenue and made false representations regarding its revenue accounting practices, and the fact that Xebec maintained proper internal controls to ensure that its financial statements were reliable and free of material misstatements.

Accordingly, if you acquired Xebec securities during the Class Period you may be part of the proposed class defined by the class action initiated by our office. Should you be defined as a member of the Class, you may be entitled to compensation should the Court authorize and ultimately grant the class action on the merits, or should a settlement be reached (and approved by the Court).

Dec 2020

LEX GROUP Inc. has teamed up with the law firm of Financial Litigation to launch a  class action lawsuit against Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. (hereinafter “Turquoise Hill” or the “Company” or “TRQ”) and certain of its current and former directors and officers, on behalf of all persons and entities wherever they may reside or may be domiciled who during the period of time from July 31, 2018 to July 31, 2019 inclusively (hereinafter the “Class Period”) purchased Turquoise Hill’ securities in the secondary market and held some or all of those securities until after July 15, 2019 and or July 31, 2019, and who either:


(1) are or were residents of Canada (regardless over which exchange they acquired Turquoise Hill’s securities); or

(2) acquired Turquoise Hill’s securities in the secondary market in Canada or elsewhere other than in the United States.


The proposed class action alleges that Turquoise Hill and the individual respondents made misrepresentations and omissions of material facts and failed to make timely disclosure of material changes with regards to the expected cost and timing for the underground expansion of Turquoise Hill’s Oyu Tolgoi Mine located in Mongolia. Specifically, the proposed class action alleges that Turquoise Hill and the individual respondents knew or should have known that the underground expansion of the Oyu Tolgoi mine would cost over a billion dollars more and take years longer than the Company was representing to investors, because among other reasons, whistleblowers had expressly told Turquoise Hill’s controlling shareholder about the cost overruns and delays.

Accordingly, if you acquired Turquoise Hills securities during the Class Period in Canada or anywhere other than in the United States, or if you are a Canadian resident who acquired Turquoise Hill’s securities in the United States, you may be part of the proposed class defined by the class action initiated by our office and Financial Litigation. Should you be defined as a member of the Class, you may be entitled to compensation should the Court authorize and ultimately grant the class action on the merits, or should a settlement be reached (and approved by the Court).

Please fill out the form below if you wish to be kept informed of the progress of this case.

If you wish to be kept informed and/or receive notification of major judgments rendered or notices in this case, please complete the form below.  Please note that providing your information in the form below creates no financial obligation for you and it does not create a lawyer/client relationship between yourself and Lex Group Inc. or Financial Litigation (or any of their attorneys).  You will not be charged any fees or costs for signing up to this class action since our firms are only paid on a contingency basis from the potential compensation recovered in this file, if the class action is successful by way of final judgment or settlement approved by the Court.

Please be advised that the group definition of the people to be included in this class action may be changed or modified in the future by Court decision or by way of amendment filed by our firm.  We will not inform you or other members of the public if and when the group definition is changed.  It is therefore your sole responsibility to ensure that your own personal rights and recourses are being protected at all times during the course of these proceedings.  You may therefore wish to seek independent legal counsel in order to determine whether it would be in your best interest to pursue independent litigation in this matter (or any other matter), and to determine if you can potentially be included in this case if a final judgment is rendered or if a settlement is reached and approved by the Court.

By signing up to this class action, you are merely asking our firms to include you in our list of potential members in this class action, but our firm are not agreeing to represent your personal interests.  If a final judgment is rendered in this case, or if a settlement is reached (and approved by the Court), an e-mail may be sent to you and the relevant information may be posted on this website.  The Court will determine the manner and extent of any future notifications to class members.

Be advised that the information you provide will be included in our list of potential class members for this case, which list may be shared with and disclosed to the Courts and/or other parties in this action (at our discretion).  Rest assured that any such disclosure will be done in such a manner as to protect your personal information and confidentiality from unauthorized use, disclosure or publication.

Finally, be advised that the above-description and summary of the case is being posted on this website for your convenience.  However, in case of conflict between the information on this website and the actual proceedings, documents, and/or judgments in the Court record of this case, the official Court record documents will prevail.  We have for your convenience posted on this webpage certain scanned copies of the several relevant documents from the Court record, including the initial application for authorization to institute a class action which describes the case in much more detail.  You should therefore consult these documents as well as consult this website periodically in order to be kept informed.

Nov 2020




LEX GROUP Inc. has launched a Quebec class action lawsuit against FCA CANADA INC. and FCA US LLC (hereinafter collectively “FCA”), on behalf of all persons in Quebec who own, owned, lease and/or leased a:

  • 2014 to 2019 Dodge Ram 1500;
  • 2014 to 2019 Dodge Ram 1500 Classic vehicle; or
  • 2014 to 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee (the inclusion of these vehicles still requires the Court’s permission);

equipped with a 3.0 litre EcoDiesel engine containing exhaust gas recirculation coolers, designed, manufactured, assembled, tested, marketed, advertised, distributed, leased and/or sold by the FCA (hereinafter collectively the “Affected Class Vehicles”).

The proposed class action alleges that FCA marketed, promoted, distributed, leased and sold the Affected Class Vehicles to Class Members, which were defectively designed and manufactured, namely with defective exhaust gas recirculation coolers (“EGR Cooler(s)”) and related parts which are prone to overheating, leak evaporated coolant liquid or fuel, stall and/or in certain circumstances catch fire.  The alleged defects in question affect various parts and components of the engine and EGR cooler system of the Affected Class Vehicles.

It is believed that FCA knew since at least 2014 that the EGR coolers tended to crack, and engine fires had occurred, but FCA did not open an investigation until May 2019, and did not issue a recall until October 2019.

Accordingly, if you reside in Quebec and have purchased and/or leased and/or own a 2014 to 2019 Dodge Ram 1500, a 2014 to 2019 Dodge Ram1500 Classic vehicle, or a 2014 to 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee, equipped with a 3.0 litre EcoDiesel engine, then you may be part of the proposed Class defined by the class action initiated by our office.  Should you be defined as a member of the class, you may be entitled to compensation should the Court authorize and ultimately grant the class action on the merits, or should a settlement be reached (and approved by the Court).

Please fill out the form below if you wish to be kept informed of the progress of this case.

If you wish to be kept informed and/or receive notification of major judgments rendered or notices in this case, please complete the form below.  Please note that providing your information in the form below creates no financial obligation for you and it does not create a lawyer/client relationship between yourself and Lex Group Inc. (or any of its attorneys).  You will not be charged any fees or costs for signing up to this class action since our firm is only paid on a contingency basis from the potential compensation recovered in this file, if the class action is successful by way of final judgment or settlement approved by the Court.

Please be advised that the group definition of the people to be included in this class action may be changed or modified in the future by Court decision or by way of amendment filed by our firm.  We will not inform you or other members of the public if and when the group definition is changed.  It is therefore your sole responsibility to ensure that your own personal rights and recourses are being protected at all times during the course of these proceedings.  You may therefore wish to seek independent legal counsel in order to determine whether it would be in your best interest to pursue independent litigation in this matter (or any other matter), and to determine if you can potentially be included in this case if a final judgment is rendered or if a settlement is reached and approved by the Court.

By signing up to this class action, you are merely asking our firm to include you in our list of potential members in this class action but our firm is not agreeing to represent your personal interests.  If a final judgment is rendered in this case, or if a settlement is reached (and approved by the Court), an e-mail may be sent to you and the relevant information may be posted on this website.  The Court will determine the manner and extent of any future notifications to class members.

Be advised that the information you provide will be included in our list of potential class members for this case, which list may be shared with and disclosed to the Courts and/or other parties in this action (at our discretion).  Rest assured that any such disclosure will be done in such a manner as to protect your personal information and confidentiality from unauthorized use, disclosure or publication.

Finally, be advised that the above-description and summary of the case is being posted on this website for your convenience.  However, in case of conflict between the information on this website and the actual proceedings, documents, and/or judgments in the Court record of this case, the official Court record documents will prevail.  We have for your convenience posted on this webpage certain scanned copies of the several relevant documents from the Court record, including the initial application for authorization to institute a class action which describes the case in much more detail.  You should therefore consult these documents as well as consult this website periodically in order to be kept informed.

Jul 2020

A Quebec Class Action SETTLEMENT has been reached and approved by the Court, whereby ROGERS and FIDO have agreed, without admission of fault, to reimburse all the amounts of  international Picture or Video Messaging (MMS) fees collected from Class Members who had either a Rogers or Fido fixed-term wireless services contract in effect as of August 15, 2011 and who paid for international MMS fees during the term of that fixed-term contract.

For more information about this case, the settlement and/or for copies of the relevant notices, judgment(s) or documents, the settlement agreements, etc., click here.